East Timor


Since 2006 NLA is operating in East Timor, whether directly or through its participated DALAN – Engenharia, Estudos e Projectos, in the fields of Urban and Regional Planning, Architecture, Engineering, Construction Supervision and Project Management of public and private works.

With several achievements throughout the decade, from the University Campus at Hera, to the Faculty of Agriculture, the new Ministery of Justice, the Embassy of Portugal, the ZEESM headquarters at Oecusse, the MasterPlan for Atauro Island, the Development Plan for the Oil Activities in the country’s Southern coast, corporate buildings, etc.

Recently the company NLATimor was created enabling NLA to operate from now on with its own brand. With head-office in Díli and a multi-purpose technical team, these companies are capable of responding to the most daring challenges ahead in the development of East Timor.