Massingir city Masterplan
2022 - ∞WADI SAFAR Clubhouse & Sports Centre
2020Proposta para o Pavilhão de Portugal na Expo 2020 Dubai
2019Innovation District Porto
2017Embassy of Portugal
2012 - 2017Chapel and House of Formation of the 'Escravas da Santa Eucaristia'
2010 - 2011Universidade Nacional de Timor Lorosa'e - Faculdade de Agricultura
2014 - 2016La Costa Medical Centre
2015Antártica Station Comandante Ferraz
2012National Hospital of Timor
2010National University of East Timor
2012 - 2013Alcântara Railway Station
2008 - 2010Ministry of Justice of the DRET
2010 - 2016Supreme Court of East Timor
2011 - 2013Multi-ministrial Building
2010Tribunal Distrital de Dili
2012Ministry of Mineral Resources
2014Tribunal Distrital de Baucau
2012Politécnico de Lospalos
2011Ermesinde Electrical Sub-station
2008 - 2010Ministry of Finance of the DRET
2010Polo Universitário de Hera
2011Reference Schools
2011Soccer Stadium
2007Restelo Sports Complex
2007Ministry of Agriculture and Fishing of the DRET
2007Lisbon Justice Campus
2002 - 2008Seixal Townhall
2009 - 2010Guarda Railway Station
1998 - 2002Linha Tunes/Faro
2001Estoril Praia Sports Group
2003 - 2004São Bento Railway Station
1996 - 2000Cadaval Courthouse
1996 - 2005National Institute of Scientific Research